Member of the EVE Tweet Fleet

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Years!

  I may be late in saying that for some of you, but for others it is nearly upon us. So far I have started the festivities by popping a TEST alliance Drake in lowsec. I also just hit 10 million SP \o/ I thought it would be a bigger deal back when I was younger, but I barely noticed. Funny how that happens. Otherwise, as with many of my New Years events, it'll be pretty lowkey for me. Although I finally get to spend it with my girl, so I'm pretty happy.

  2011 has some awesome things in store for Eve pilots and I, for one, can't wait. Incursions, Incarna, and beyond, it'll be a great ride and plenty of more blogging to come. I'd also like to thank all of you for your support in getting this little writer off the ground. I've only been at it for three or four months now and I couldn't be happier. Already I am part of a cool podcast and have 48! subscribers (according to Feeburner). I keep forgetting to post those stats alot of you wanted so long ago, I'll get to it :P It's been a great year and the next will be even better. More progress on the horizon and more fun to be had.

  For now, Happy New Years to you and yours. Be safe, New Eden.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

AHARM Eviction

*NINJA EDIT* So now I am starting to think and see that this whole post could just show me to be an idiot. I guess it's very possible to be a troll for propaganda since most of the links go to the wrong KMs. It seems R&K got spanked, not AHARM. I'll update when I figure it out and stop seeing double.

  I may be coming down with the flu, so instead of having delirious rambles you care nothing about, I will be keeping them short. I'll finish the WH series soon, I promise.

  An interesting story recently came to my attention that you may be familiar with from when the alliance Aperture Harmonics "abused" wormhole mechanics. I put quotations are it simply because CCP had told them it was fine, but everyone seemed a bit butthurt about it. Whatever, moving on. Well, for anyone that lives in wormhole space, these guys are the big dogs. I unknowingly ran into their home system myself not too long ago and stupidly lost a CovOps to decloaks. They and the Rooks and Kings alliance began to have hostile contact back in September, with fleets moving into AHARM's home system and trying to chain crash wormholes to reconnect after they were pushed back.

  Well it seems that 3 months is enough time to take down one of the most dug in and biggest wormhole alliances. The two alliances have had intermittent skirmishes over the last few months, but R&K has recently and successfully evicted AHARM from their home system. Persistence and tactics prove themselves to be attributes R&K corps have in supply. AHARM's Class 6 Magnetar wormhole home had capital capable holes, allowing R&K to bring in Dreads with support necessary to bash POSes. All of them, 8 total.

  Something like this is truly a feat and well executed. It is also one of the reasons I really do not want to live in a capital capable hole. You are able to produce capitals in any system, but only certain holes have the mass limits to allow them in and out. Keeping a level of control and a definite upper hand makes me more comfortable if anyone comes knocking on our door.

  So what does this mean? Well at the moment, it simply means one of our biggest competitors is out of the running for a bit. I doubt they will let this stop them altogether. To my knowledge we are on good terms with AHARM, and I'm sure we would have had some fun ganking R&K if we had known, but wormhole space is lawless and everyone is a target. I am curious as to why an lowsec alliance (R&K) felt the urge to find and destroy AHARM, though. I know little about the politics between the two, but in general the two types of corps are not in frequent contact. We only kill in kspace if we get bored or decide we want a different twist to combat. So much effort just to drive a corp from their wormhole corp is interesting to my psychological analysis side. Maybe I just missed something.

  In other news, after missing a carrier and a couple T3 kills due to being locked out in kspace, I finally got my Gila blooded. I logged in late, so I was at the tail end, but somehow still got 4th on the Nighthawk. There was a 3rd Proteus and a Guardian, but somehow the T3 got out of our bubble and the Guardian GTFO'ed as soon as he showed up for the fight. Saved his cruiser, that's for sure. These guys weren't so lucky and man it was the longest wait ever. They sucked at scanning and were ADD in ship choices. Arazu, Phobos, Helios, back to Phobos, etc. Fun times.  I have to say, I love the Gila. Again, if I already said it. Drones and missiles are sexy and it tanks like a beast. I've taken it into fights, sites, and it shows its might.

  I have also resurrected my Planetary Interaction productions for the good of the corp. I enjoy the clicky administration, but it seems it's getting hard to keep up with demand. I enjoy being an asset to the corp in more ways then just guns. Almost makes me miss my mining days. Almost. Carebear turned Warbear doesn't forget his roots.

 So much for short posting.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Community Recognition

  The Eve Online Facebook page had a pretty cool link yesterday. I was busy so I only just now noticed. It was an article written over on Ten Ton Hammer, an MMOG source for news, guides and more. Linky.

  Basically, it says Eve is best. Specifically, in TTH's opinion our community is the best in the last decade. I can hardly argue with that. That's about half of my lifetime, of which I have played many, many games. There are few, if any, communities I have found that can equal the amount of involvement and camaraderie. Perhaps that's not true for everyone, but this is the first game I have been compelled to blog or podcast about.

  So congrats to CCP for giving an environment that enables such a community and thanks to TTH for the award. And rock on, everyone.


Saturday, December 25, 2010

Incarna Revisited/Merry Christmas

  Ok, firstly I'd like to apologize for that abhorrent post for the blog banter. I don't know what I was thinking, but I've been staying up til 5 am alot lately and it obviously impairs my judgement. So please extend patience as I reiterate what I should have in the first place.

  Incarna, or amulation or walking-in-stations etc, is what Eve has on the horizon. It is coming soon and it will have quite the impact. New Eden is a universe driven by its inhabitants, namely us capsuleers. The community, as the squeaky wheel, often gets the grease for development and sometimes does not. Sure, the existing features need work. But something I noticed early on in Eve is that everything does get worked on. Perhaps it takes longer than some people want, but CCP is quite good about revamping things. Yes, it should be done right the first time, but you have to give them credit.

  Which is why I think the last expansion has been a good step in the right direction for them. Focusing on doing it right and that will extend to Incarna. The question was how it would affect gameplay and the players. In the beginning, perhaps nearly not at all or to a small degree. I don't look at the short term, though, when I judge the feature. Giving a body to our capsuleer populace is huge. It's something that is epic in my mind simply because this universe is evolving and breathing more than any other game I can think of to date. It can feel like a second life at times. The complexity, depth, and fascination of it all can capture even the cynical.

  Incarna will be the stepping stone into expanding our universe. To start, there won't be much more than pretty interiors and a few things to do. But what happens when the players get a hold of things and bring their collective intellectual might to the table? Eve is not what it was when it began and for its benefit it is so. Players were the ones who developed jet can mining, alliances, and so much of what we take for granted now. Who is to say we won't make a whole new part of Eve that can be enjoyed? I think it can even bring in players who wouldn't normally pick up Eve Online. First it will be station bound, but don't be so narrow minded. Those planets you fly by every single day...what happens when we roam those expanses? What happens if we are eventually able to board enemy ships and fight to overtake it? Why limit yourself to what is immediately available when Eve is a sandbox, not something to be stuck in a box.

  There will be those who want nothing of it, but so what. That is what a breathing world is about; diversity. It is what drives the very workings of the game. Miners provide materials to be made into ships and guns that then shoot the miners who need more materials and so on. We all like something different. For myself, DUST 514 means little. I am in a wormhole, so fighting someone for a planet doesn't really make sense when it is a corp mate. Unless we just are doing it to annoy each other, which is fun too. Missioners can have a different scope of how they mission, traders play more angles, and fighters....well I guess we shall see how that turns out, yeah?

  So, I am optimistic and think this will be epic. CCP is always moving forward and there are certainly growing pains. But I am a fan boy through and through now, so dig in boys and girls, it's going to be a fun time. Hopefully this satisfies things a bit more.

  I also just noticed I hit post 100 with the blog banter. Whoa. That's pretty big for me, a personal achievement. I wish I had noticed sooner, because I wanted to do something fun for it. With the holidays and now that, I think I feel a contest/giveaway/somethingfunforall event coming soon. Stay tuned, won't you dears?

  I will also be getting another bit of the wormhole series out too. Sorry that things have slowed down, but real life is priority for me some times more than others. But my readers understand, cuz I have the best. I also need to get back to some fun Pvp stories, don't I? That carrier kill would be a good one, and two days later we got another. That one I missed, why? Missioning in kspace. WTF yeaaa.....bad time to work on R&D agents amirite. I hope you all have enjoyed the podcast so far as well. I'm trying to think of how I will develop my segment. Noob i suck at those, but I'll try to improve...anything you want, lemme know. Depending on copyrights and all, it'll be And Now for Something Completely Different, John Cleese intro and all. That is if it won't get me sued into the grave. I am also working on convincing a corpmate to start blogging. I'm lookin' at you, Sao!

  Wow, sorry about the wall o' text. Anyways, Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all. It is almost 2011, good things on the Horizon (eh?eh?xD)


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Blog Banter #23-These Legs Are Made For Walkin'

Welcome to the twenty-third installment of the EVE Blog Banter, the monthly EVE Online blogging extravaganza created by CrazyKinux. The EVE Blog Banter involves an enthusiastic group of gaming bloggers, a common topic within the realm of EVE Online, and a week or so to post articles pertaining to the said topic. The resulting articles can either be short or quite extensive, either funny or dead serious, but are always a great fun to read! Any questions about the EVE Blog Banter should be directed to Check for other EVE Blog Banter articles at the bottom of this post!

With Incursion giving us glimpses of what Incarna will have to offer (the the Character Creator), this month's topic, by @Minerpewpew, comes just at the right time. He asks

"What are your thoughts on how Incarna will effect the current EVE Online social dynamic?" I'd like to see this questioning go a bit further. How will this affect EVE's player base? Who will Incarna attract? New players to the genre? Seduce old players back into the game? Will we see new players come in that will never leave their station? Please explore to the best of your abilities!"

Forgive my lateness in writing this blog banter.

This topic is one that has generated many opinions on both ends of the spectrum. There are those that are exceedingly opposed and those that have waited quite a few years for this to come around. Myself, I haven't been in the game long enough to really be on either side of the fence. I hope this helps me be a bit more objective.

What is Eve? Well of course it is different things to different people, but essentially it is a space simulator. Or is a submarine simulator...sometimes it can get fuzzy :P The game allows its players to train up and fly any ship they want, choose any path they want be it good or evil. It has grown and developed over the course of nearly a decade, quite a lifetime as far as games go. There may not be millions of players, but the single shard universe does support tens of thousands. So is there room for ambulation?

Frankly, I do not see why not. Some are worried about how any crossover between ambulation and operations in space will negatively impact the experience, but really you don't know until it's been done. Such an installment, as long as it is polished and integrated smoothly, can be an asset to our New Eden home rather than a detriment.

Why? New blood. It can be something of a "portal drug" or ease one into our universe. I am not sure it will really appeal to anyone looking for hardcore avatar gaming like an FPS or the like, but if they come for that and then decide they want to fly and see what else there is, all the better. I think it also rounds out what Eve can offer.

-It may give a different twist for station traders. Hopefully it won't turn into something like a WoW city where people just stand around shouting their goods. But then, Jita local already is that.

-Perhaps it could give a bit of fun with in-station errands/missions.

-Although lacking Pvp to begin, a different realm for it could be quite interesting.

-The RP element can hardly be ignored, one that I have experienced more in Eve than most MMOs.

  I'm not too sure it would entice older players back, but maybe it is the fresh breath that older players need to still be in game, but not necessarily out in space doing the same old same old. I am too new to really know how they might feel, or if they're too bitter for it to matter.

  I, for one, await Incarna with optimism. I would love to take Memoo out of his ship and just walk around. I like having an avatar I can actually use for something besides a mug shot. By the way, I'll be putting up screenshots of Memoo's new look since SiSi now has the Character Creator back up. Incarna is simply a natural progression for the constantly evolving universe of New Eden. Why not flesh it out with things like this? If players are afraid or hate change, they should choose a different genre. Eve isn't what it was 7 years ago and it won't be the same in another 7. 

  I guess what I’m really trying to say is that I’m not sure how the dynamic could be changed. It's one of those nebulous ideas that won't be too certain until it actually happens. Stupid post for a blog banter maybe, but my brain is fried since it's 5 a.m...I may edit it later :P
I did get my first carrier kill today, pretty sweet. But anyways, I'm gonna pass out and hope to review this when I am a bit more sane.


Monday, December 20, 2010

Podcast is Live!

  So, with much effort and dedication we have finally gotten our debut episode out to our wonderful listeners. Thank you all for your patience as we have taken longer than anticipated, but I hope you enjoy listening as much as we enjoy talking :P

  The New Eden Chronicles website is now live, so head over and check it out. For now that is the only place you'll be able to find it, the iTunes part will take a couple days to show up. Of course, we also have our Facebook page as well, so let us know how we are doing or if you are on Twitter, we have that too. It will be a bit rough starting out since it is new to some of us and kinks needs ironing, but I think we are off to a great start.

  Thanks to Roc Weiler, of blogging fame, for the awesome music we are sporting. It's pretty epic. Now all I have to do is figure out what I'll be talking about on the next episode.

  I have also taken out my new Echelon, something I didn't think I would do ever. It's great at hacking, even with my sad skills. I burned through 5 containers in a minute or two while we did Sleeper sites. Pretty nifty. I have also taken my Daredevil, gift from Kane Rizzel if you don't remember, into our home system and, with the help of a generous corpmate, fit it up really well. It even has a few faction mods, something I never thought I would fit onto a ship. But it's an awesome ship and, amusingly enough, I feel more comfortable using it in wspace than kspace. I even got it blooded last night, if you can call popping and podding a couple miners to be a true test. It's fast, tough, and shiny and I love flying it. I just hope it doesn't get blown up :x

  The wormhole series will be back in a bit. With the holidays, the podcast release, and a new blog banter things are gettin' crazy. But stay tuned, it'll be a fun ride.


Friday, December 17, 2010

A Look Inside Pt. 3

(This post is part of a series that looks at wormholes and life within them. I will talk about everything from mechanics to perspectives and opinions on anything that relates to wormholes. The beginning is here and part 2 is here)

  So we talked a bit about the types and levels of resources that wormholes offer. You'll have to forgive me as this is something of a stream of thought that may get redundant, it is my first series after all and I write them separately.  But this post, I was thinking in the same vein as to wormhole environments.

  Wormholes are different for more than just being void of stargates. Inside the unknown, quite a bit is different. There are no rats to farm because there are no asteroid belts. Any asteroids you find will be at gravimetric sites and thus must be scanned down. There are also wormhole effects, "spacial phenomena" that can affect just about anything. For example, a Black Hole effect reduces missile velocity, lock range, falloff, and drone control range, but boosts inertia and ship velocity. Each effect is different, but not all wormholes will  have an effect and you can even warp to those effects. How do you know if one does? There are a couple ways, the simplest being to look around. The effect has a certain look to it and you will learn to know them each once you are around them more. One of my previous posts with screenshots displays an effect and this shot is a Black hole:

  As I mentioned above, wormholes do not have stargates which means you have to bookmark them when you are transiting. An important fact that I have forgotten a time or two. Wormholes connect to everything from null and highsec to other wormholes and you can determine where it goes by the wording. For example, if it "leads into unknown space" you are most likely going to a C1, C2, or C3 system whereas "deadly unknown" is a c6. The color can also tell you. But, beyond things like that, the easiest way is to use Static Mapper and Dotlan Maps. (Protip: Put Staticmapper into your trusted sites list for the IGB and it will automatically pull up the system you are currently in) They give you great information as to how many jumps and kills the system has and potential static links. A static is a wormhole that will always open up to a certain kind of system. A C1 with a C2 static is one that has a link to a C2 everyday. If you collapse that link, a new one will reappear instantly. Quite handy, those static links are. I mentioned in the beginning of the series that these wormholes collapse after a certain amount of mass transits, a tricky situation if you get stuck on the wrong side. A good way to know what sizes you are dealing with can be found on the Uniwiki. One of the great things about having a hole open up to null sec is ninja ratting. I have just done my first bit, finding a dead end system with good rats (even a faction battleship!) and taking our time to get bounties and sec status without worrying about blobs.

  Another "environmental effect" is that there is no local chat unless someone speaks there. So you cannot get free intel on who is in system or how many. Your best friend is your Directional Scan and when you live here, it becomes an obsessive habit to use. It only has a 14 AU range and can't see cloakies, but it is invaluable in what it can do. Often we find targets with Dscan without ever dropping probes, giving us even more tactical advantage.

  I love the advantages of a nullsec environment like being able to drop bubbles and use capitals. But you cannot hotdrop in wormholes and you cannot claim sovereignty in them. (Protip: If you ever see a territorial claim unit it's a trap) You also can't take a capital through a hole unless that hole can handle the mass, something reserved for upper class wormholes. Quite frankly, after spending much of my time in Kspace in my Eve career it is also easy now to say that wspace is some of the prettiest you will find in the game. Effects give a nice variety as well as being pretty cool and regular WHs can even give variation to the eye candy.

  My brain is fried from finals, which are done and I am home on holiday wootwoot, but I think I covered what I wanted for the most part. As it is the holidays, I'll try to keep the posts up but no promises. Oh and post 100 is very close! I can't believe it...I wonder what I should do for it. Perhaps another first, as in a contest for goodies? Hmm...hehe

  So, are you liking the sound of wormholes yet?

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

We Interrupt...

This regularly scheduled program to bring you news from New Eden.

  So, the next update is finally out and the much anticipated removal of learning skills has been implemented. Feels good, doesn't it? I like seeing all my attributes in the 20s and with an extra remap no less. I have to say, thank you CCP, you made my holiday with that alone. The new ship, the Echelon, looks pretty nifty too. Not that I'll use it, simply that I like moving parts on ships and CCP gets it quite well. Although it has exactly one slot. One. It's pretty quick and all, 500 m/s or so but that is no incentive to utilize it. Oh well, station bling is fun too.

  As for what I spent my points on, I spread them around. I didn't have many since I never took them to V, but I had enough for some of my needs. I filled in some holes in my core that are embarrassingly lacking. I worked a bit on some offensive skills, but mainly I brought the training for Caldari Cruiser V from 23d down to around 14 if I remember correctly. That is before I remap of course. I will be using this free remap to its full advantage, but right now I want to use my extreme Int/Mem map as best as I can. So I am continuing to train some core skills and electronics. When I'll switch....I'm not sure. I just don't want to rush myself into a remap and regret it later.

  This rebate made Mech's life much easier as well. Mining Foreman V was cut down from 11d to 4d and a few other skills were given a hand up as well. He will be remapping soon himself and getting into an Orca probably somewhere in January. I am pretty excited for it and I know he is too. Then it's on to combat for him. For now I have to be patient with them both.

  Back to finishing finals for me. Today, I have my last one and then I am free from this nightmare of a semester. I get to relax and do stuff. Memoo is stuck in our staging area...still. I am trying to kick corpmates' butts into action to extricate ASAP, but we shall see how that goes. 

  So, what'd you end up using your points on? Has the update given you any new ideas or plans?

Monday, December 13, 2010

A Look Inside Pt. 2

(This post is part of a series that looks at wormholes and life within them. I will talk about everything from mechanics to perspectives and opinions on anything that relates to wormholes. The beginning is here.)

  Today we are talking about resources. Resources are the basis of any operation and absolutely critical to success in each and every one. Whether it is ISK, ships or minerals they are all vital. All the more so when you are living in a place that is essentially an island.

  As a rehabilitated carebear, this is something that I still enjoy and something that is quite interesting to me in wormholes. I've mentioned before how I have taken opportunities to mine in wspace, trying out different forms like gas mining as well as conventional minerals mining. It's amazing the extent that the fields can reach. They are massive deposits that take quite a while to harvest, but are worth quite a bit more than Empire ores. You are able to find the rare ores that are usually reserved for nullsec and do it from home.

  With the Tyrannis expansion, PI opened up a new venue for carebears. A miniature version of moon mining that now allows players to control the market is a different way, producing POS fuels and components for all sorts of products. I finally just got my own operations under way, tearing down my Empire colonies and relocating into our system. The sheer quantities of raw materials waiting to be harvested is amazing. Good thing I already have the "Stupid Carebear" title if my corpmates read this :P On my first planet, one extractor set to a 24 hour cycle can bring in more resources than my Empire colony set to shorter cycles. Not only that, but the threat that DUST 514 potentially brings to my colonies is non existent. The only people populating the planets alongside me are corpmates. Talk about secure.

  When you are a corporation that needs to be as self sufficient as possible, those two sources are important. We can save money and make our own fuel as well as saving money and giving ourselves advantages with our own production lines if we choose. There are wormhole corps entirely dedicated to destroying Sleepers and putting their loot to use in Tech 3 production and others that simply mine to their hearts content to take back to Empire and make massive ISK. Sleeper loot itself is a resource to be collected and a profit to be made. All these resources keep the cycle going. For corps like us, we seek them out to keep ourselves able to go out and make pretty explosions in the dark expanses. You never know what the next connection will hold and it is always best to be prepared.

  So if you are a carebear at heart or simply enjoy the idea of making tons of ISK, wormhole space just might be the place for you. It takes alot of work and dedication, but with a corp as close as family and the right tools anyone can conquer it. It's unknown space, not impossible space.

  Sounding at all attractive yet?

Saturday, December 11, 2010

A Look Inside

(This post is part of a series that looks at wormholes and life within them. I will talk about everything from mechanics to perspectives and opinions on anything that relates to wormholes. Part 2 is here, part 3 is here, and Part 4 is here)

  So my work seems to never end. This is my last week of school and the projects and papers never seem to end. I just got a smaller one done so my reward is writing to my dear readers. See, you ARE important! It'll be another beast of a post so buckle up. We finally recorded our first episode for New Eden Chronicles, so be on the look out. I'll of course let you know when it lands. In the meantime, send us mail and head to our page to say hey. Oh and btw, you may notice the badge in the upperleft corner. Indeed, I am now on Twitter as a part of the Tweetfleet, something I never thought I would be sucked into for long. But that's social networking for you :P

  As far as ingame things go, I'm finally back in my home system. When were you ever gone? Yes, well I haven't said anything since it's all been hush hush and I may still need to keep some details to myself. But basically, our corp acted on some outside intel and set up in an upper class wormhole that has a static to an even higher class wormhole with the intention of it being a staging area. Only we found the intel was bogus AFTER the tower was onlined. Interesting welcome party too in our system.

  The tower was 1 min away from being online when 2 Russian Legions decloaked and engaged our handful of battleships. I was naturally in my Scorp and comms lit up as I got my jams going. It was intense and 2 more Tengus joined the fray. I was thankfully getting successful jams over and over, missing one or two. Our 2 Scorps took the brunt of the surprise as I slowly had my armor melted and we could only hammer through one Legion's armor. We never broke them, but they also never broke us. Just as I hit 99% structure the tower went live and pushed the aggressors outside. My heart was in my throat and we were safe. Relatively.

  The Ruskies retreated for a few minutes, only to have our cloaky call a Moros on Dscan. lolwut? It seems they were in the mood to hit us for realsies. We only had 12 hours of stront, plenty to deal with them. They soon got to work and had fun for a while. As fun as POS bashing is, although it's interesting being on the inside for once. The tower online with half shields as it was so they were making easy headway. But their hole had been destabilized in the process and they didn't even reinforce us. Certainly a party in these higher class holes. We spent the rest of our time repairing shields and onlining modules.

  Besides that, I am slowly making my way into Recons with little detours of needed skills. Mech is getting closer to Orcas and I can't wait. It is taking him longer because I am filling out his core rather than just being able to sit in an Orca. I am also waiting out the skill reimbursement for his benefit and even have plans to put him into HACs after the Orca train. Quite the little squad I have cooking.

But I am also here to get into wormholes. I think this will become something of a series, my first! :D
I will talk about everything from mechanics to perspectives and opinions on anything that relates to wormholes. Since this post is already so long, the real meat of things will start in the next. For now, my opinion!

  I found an interesting statement in the CSM Meeting Minutes from back in September 2010. The CSM is meant to represent the entirety of New Eden, and unknown space is still within those parameters in my mind. For those that are too lazy or can't find it, the comment was:

[ 17:24:06 ] Meissa Anunthiel > I totally understand the objective, but I believe it won't accomplish reduced cost (pos fuel, logistics), and I'll make more profit, so that's cool with me on a personal level, but I'm not sure it'd be well received. [/end]
[ 17:24:20 ] Mynxee > dv go
[ 17:24:40 ] Dierdra Vaal > there is one thing that will change: people who live in wormholes will not feel they have to go to k-space to build their T2 ships. end
[ 17:24:45 ] Meissa Anunthiel > !
[ 17:24:50 ] Mynxee > meissa go
[ 17:25:33 ] Meissa Anunthiel > People aren't "supposed" to be living in wormholes, I don't think upsetting the balance of the rest of the universe for wormhole people (in this one particular instance) is justified. You want to live there, well, more hurdles to you. They have to go
[ 17:25:53 ] Meissa Anunthiel > back to empire to buy fuel anyway, being able to do everything in there is not good for the ecosystem... [/end]

  It seems we wormholers have no advocate or voice. We aren't even seen as "real" entities. More hurdles to me? Srsly? Perhaps CCP didn't intend for us to live here, but it has happened and it is a very valid play style. So being shoved aside as some worthless minority chafes. While intentions guided original implementation, application has come into effect and quite frankly, should be what now controls the situation. We live here, so throw us a bone mkay?

  I have stated before that wormhole life is the endgame for me. Why? Simple, you get all the benefits of nullsec without the blob filled dramafests and endless wars. There's no politicking or need to worry about neuts and reds. For Adhoc, if you aren't in the fleet or in the corp you are red and thus earn the business end of my missiles and jams. It's simple. It also is a far more dynamic environment and one that allows for situational control. Is Jita too far away to be worthwhile? Roll the hole until you get a closer connection. Connecting systems dead and boring? Roll til you find new friends to play with. And boy do we.

  The hole also makes sure only certain amounts of mass comes through. If you have a small hole and worry about home defense, just make caps in your own system and it means you have them but nobody else can bring any inside. Our respect is earned by those who are willing to give us a good fight or aid us in our own. However, ADHC has next to no blues so being one is pretty significant.

  Those are some of the points that drew me to my new home and continually keep the game interesting and new. Sure, you can mission until your eyes bleed, but to what end? You can mine and it does have a good application for production. But why not mine in a place that can be safer than null and much more so than Empire? And the minerals are richer here, a plus even for a reformed carebear myself. I have a new title "Stupid Carebear" simply because I went on about it to the corp. I got to try out the "Rokhtopus" mining vessel and can use my skills for the good of the corp.

  Living in unknown space also means a closer connection to those you live with. You really do become a family, at least that's how I feel about ADHC. Teamwork is essential and vital to your survival and success. You could just blob people...but that's less of an option when you have to worry about mass limitations and logistics. Space is a premium.

  So, hopefully this series will show you a few new things about wspace and perhaps even give you the urge to check it out. It may not be for everyone, but it is my natural habitat now. I love it here. I do miss friends in Kspace so I do come out to play. I do want more friends and targets in wspace, but only those who are willing to accept the risks.

  For now, I'll leave you with these tidbits while I run my head through a wall with schoolwork.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Return to Normalcy

  I am not yet there for the full return, but I am close. Finals end next week so I am slowly dying from everything I have to do til then. Between schoolwork and ingame events, writing has taken a backseat. Sorry about happens I suppose.

  Lots has been happening in our little wormhole home. There have been multiple times I log in to find we just had a massive fight and I missed it all. *le sigh* And I mean big. The reports are always borked, but whatever you get the idea. There are usually multiple rounds of fighting and both sides getting stomped. Oh well, I am happy to have the fights I get into and we certainly look for them everywhere. We have even gotten into a lot more roaming in lowsec and bashed another POS. That always makes for interesting situations when most of my corpmates have forgotten mechanics that apply. There was also, apparently, a Golem that came into our home...and talked in local saying (s)he? was just passing through. We don't keep local up, so she disappeared pretty quickly. If you go into a wormhole, especially when you know it is occupied, never talk in local. You are giving free intel and alerting them to a threat that anyone worth their guns will exterminate. Especially when you're in a Marauder that makes our KB look so good.

  I have also had my chance at using the Noctis. What do I think of it? It's the sex of salvaging vessels. Even with it only trained to the first level you have a 32km range on tractors and it's hard to keep up when it blows through wrecks like they aren't there. One Noctis can salvage faster than people can kill, something much appreciated in wspace, where the less time exposed the better. Speaking of new ships, it seems CCP is giving us another. The Echelon eh? Personally, I see it being about as useful as the Zephyr...which is not much at all. Perhaps it'll be useful for the Incursions...but it's too fragile and not worth risking just for being a dedicated hacker. So I hope you like station bling! I'll have to come out to kspace to redeem it I suppose. The longer I am in wspace...the less I like doing that. I feel so exposed and vulnerable, ironic isn't it? Fighting is less fun, as well, when everyone runs away and then smacks that we are nothing but carebears. You have noticed my negative sec status yes? I also find that I desire less and less to kill Sleepers as I once did. We can get a bit bloodthirsty and I have embraced it. I am anxious to get into a Falcon or Rook soon to be of more utility. Although, I have been loving my bomber. It has so many uses and packs a punch. I have gone into structure twice, but have yet to lose my little Garrote.

 The learning skill change is coming up and I am still wondering where I will stick those few skill points. This will certainly help my alt tremendously and I can't wait. He is closer and closer to getting into an Orca every day. And now I am thinking, after Orcas, he will be a HAC pilot. Maybe. What are you using the SP for?

  I am thinking I may start explaining wormhole life a bit better in future posts. What I need from you all is, what do you want to know? What is obvious and what is a little more vague? I will do my best to maintain opsec for the corp, but I'd love for more people to come to wspace.


Saturday, December 4, 2010

Why We Are Boss

  Quick post for the day. I logged in at the tail end of this engagement and I'm rather pissed I wasn't on earlier.

  ADHC at its finest.

It's ok though, since later I got in on this.
  Also..this is hilarious 

As was this xD

  Yea...we got this.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Positive Run for a Negative Status

  Tonight was a different turn of routine for some of the corpies. We left the wormhole for a few hours. *gasp* I know, I know Kspace is scary right? After a small introverted inspection, I am amused how quickly my perceptions in Eve have changed since I moved into wspace. It makes me think that perhaps I should have been here long ago, as natural and comfortable as it is for me now. We see Kspace as something less desirable because of local, gate mechanics, sec hits...everything you get to avoid in wormholes. Many people see null sec as "end game" in Eve, but it isn't that way for us. Wormholes is how it should be played and learned. The average wormholer is more capable in many ways,  in my humble opinion, than most Kspace inhabitants simply due to the nature of the environment.

  Anyways, back to the action. We rallied in our highsec system and got everyone shipped into cheap T1 cruisers. We weren't suicidal, but we were aiming to trade them for good kills. Nothing like a good lowsec roam in throw aways. Initially it was a very small gang, but that grew a bit when word got out. So we headed out for the nearest Pvp hub, hunting along the way. What better place to start the night than Amamake itself. There had been a few neuts along the way, but nothing interesting enough. When we were on the gate heading into Ama, however, our FC decided to start small. A criminal vexor had dared to share our space, demanding his own end. He looked at me funny...he deserved fiery death. So we unleashed our fury on him as he predictably jumped into Ama with our backup tackle. I hadn't locked him in time, so I was able to jump in as well. Breaking my cloak on the other side, our tackler was working on the dirty scum as I laid down some meltage with my jammers. That's when things got really interesting and it all happened at once.

  First, I took a sec hit. My first ever with Mem and it drew the ire of the gate guns. Being former Uni, I am usually on the other side of the fight. So stupid me was burning at our target as he was speeding away. In a Blackbird, gate guns are death, or nearly so. At the same time, a Jag had engaged the fleet and a Minnie gang had landed on the other side of the gate. Our tackle valiantly held his ground, bleeding armor at alarming rates. I was not close enough to get any reps on him...yes I had medium reps...and he lost the tackle, but picked up the Jag as the fleet beat his face inside out. I was able to get a cycle off just as I was warping. The gate guns hurt....alot. So I bounced to a station on accident in my rush...taking more fire...and then finally on to planets and new BMs I dropped for bouncing. In hindsight, that Vexor was a bad choice, but it was still alot of fun. We didn't even lose anything.

  So now I'm flashy, bouncing around Ama when I see local. Someone said me? Oh! My wonderful friend and fellow blogger, Laedy. We had a good convo as I waited out my I see why pirates want it shorter :P Can't wait for her to get some posts out again. After everyone was ready and I had repaired, we headed off. Moving through adjoining lowsec, we pushed on in our hunt. A few systems away, we had it. We sat on gate while our impromptu scouts worked the system. Lo and behold, a vile cousin of the Vexor scum jumped into us. The Ishtar was immediately called as target and we got to work. He stood no chance since the fleet was all together this time and promptly melted to our glorious T1 fire. The best part was he was flashy, so no sec hit and no gate gun fire, except for him.

  We were quite happy with our luck, an hour or so in and we had two good kills. But it was hardly over. We were here to practice and practice would continue. Our FC had afk'ed, leaving his second in command for the Ishtar kill. He came back in time for us to head home, since it was extremely late. So we regrouped and set destination. It seems, in lowsec, when you are stirring the roost it pulls in attention. This was quite evident when we ran into a Ice Fire Warrior gang and a mix of neuts on a lowsec gate, leaving us in a Mexican standoff situation. Moving meant vulnerable points we couldn't handle. We could take them, but with heavy losses we didn't want. So instead, we locked them all down and waited to see who blinked. They smacked in local...apparently we are carebears? Come to our hole, we'll show you a few things...and admitted they wouldn't GCC. So we played gate games, jumping back and forth to see who was with whom. While on Kourmonen side of the gate, with the pack staring us down as we hugged the gate, an Apoc warped at range. A mix of my colorblindness and the mass on my overview meant I failed to see the yellowbox that went red. He sniped down my dear Distant Illusion in cold blood. My new family doesn't take kindly to that and his brood didn't seem to react as they jumped his newly flashy self. Grave mistake, my friend. It was too easy for them to get under guns, grabbing tackle and burning him into dust and ashes. I was avenged, a warning to those that face us. Trading a BS or a Blackbird? Dumb choice.

  It would mark the end of our night, however. My noobship made me nervous so I reshipped to a Caracal with a few modules to make it home. Another first and a good preview if I get into a Cerberus. 75km range? Surprising and rather awesome. We finally made it back to good ole' wspace and home where I fully fit my new toy. A good night and good practice for us. Hopefully we get more chances like this every now and again. So now I have a few hours before I need to be up to interview and then go to class. Today we record! I'm quite excited. This idiocy is going to be addressed, among other finer things. Stay tuned.

  Long post is long. Sowwy.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

Sometimes You're the Hammer, Sometimes the Nail

  Lately I've been the nail in reference to RL. It is the last 2 weeks of the semester and I'm getting drilled into the ground with work I need to make up, more new work, psych experiments for extra credit and getting ready to record the podcast tomorrow. That one I am rather worried about, since I haven't had time to gather all the info I need quite yet. Stress and more stress. I've still gotten my chances to beat people up in wspace, but I need to do it less as it gets down to the wire.

  The new Incursion patch already has 2 additional patches, but by this time nobody should be surprised. Takes a couple seconds to update, wooptydoo. I am liking the probes overview setting, it makes my life infinitely easier since I didn't want the hassle of doing the edits on my Mac when my last one failed to work. So now I can switch quickly, a blessing in wspace. The new changes are much appreciated and I have yet to explore them fully. I need to get back to kspace and get in my Hawk for the first time ever. Training my rockets up to T2 will come along eventually, but for now their new buff should make it fun to run around.

  With all the changes, people naturally talked about them in comms. Today they were talking about oddities and I finally got back to reading my RSS feeds which had a post about weird things in Eve as well. In the same vein, I've always wondered why there are shiptypes that apply to all races. Destroyers and Battlecruisers are first in my mind. Why is it that one has to train up for HACs or cloakies within the respective races, yet these ships can be used across the board? Destroyers are little more than frigates with extra guns, yes. Battlecruisers are essentially cruisers bigger brother, ok. And yes, you have to have the lesser ships of that race trained, but why the exception? Idk....random idle thoughts when I'm staring at a wall vacantly.

  This was quite a ramble. I feel like I do that too much as of late. I want direction and something interesting when I write, not random drivel like this. I do alot of "zomg we blew up dis one dood and it was phun!". I can't quite put my finger on it yet, but I need something...more. I guess life really is just getting overwhelming if I can't write something thought provoking for a couple weeks.

Well, here's to getting back into a better groove.
Hope your holiday months are going well.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Welcome to CCP

  For anyone that has been able to log on already, you understand the title. For those who haven't, the update came with a 30 minute delay and already needed a hotfix. Striving for excellence indeed. I like the intro, the music is far less intrusive and the darker tones make me happy. As for the game itself, ORE space has become chaos and death to most people, with roaming gangs of sniper BS and T3s. Even so, Noctis BPOs were in Jita within the hour and at a ludicrous 800 million ISK. Talk about inflation. The prices started tanking immediately, so it'll be interesting to see where it settles.

  I had moved myself to a lowsec staging area where my corp was planning to jump from so we could extract our own BPO. But I logged on and the fleet only had me and one other guy, so I guess I need to make my way back home now.

  I also just got mailed a link, and it seems I get mentioned in a Devblog in reference to NEC. Pretty cool to see your name on a CCP page :3 If you're a creative pilot, give us a ring and you could end up on the show. If you have a great corporation and want to get your names out, let us know. We are all about the Eve community.

  Short post is short.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Back to It

 Sorry for the slow posts, been a bit busy. I was sick and then went on break. I had a wonderful holiday with my girl and doing fun things in wspace with my new friends. Oh and learning SB tactics. Just got done with that Mach kill. It was an amazing gank with a great warp in.

  I had been on Minecraft, setting up stuff on a new server and had just stopped afk mining. I was on comms and someone called activity in an adjoining WH. So naturally, I dropped everything and logged in. I initially was in my stealthbomber from when I logged out, so I headed over. Two jumps over, our scout is sitting on grid with a Brutix, Myrm, and a dessie salvager and a Drake and Mach on scan. The Drake ended up just passing through from another corp. The ones we were hunting, we found after background checks, were big carebears. 40 bil in losses meant we just might get our share of fun. There was also a second exit that went into lowsec space in the system, which we had a cloaky camp. They seemed to use this as a fallback, popping on and off grid.

  Our bomber joined in to get eyes on, but they were all jumping around. We had found them in a grav site, the miners getting spooked at probes on scan. There were wrecks, so the dessie was cleaning up with the Brutix as a guard. As the Brutix slowboated towards some abandoned drones, our bomber decloaked to try a tackle. He must have been aligned to something because he bugged out quick, leaving the Cormorant.

Who continued to salvage.

And then sat there.

A few volleys later, he was dust.

 He had bad friends since they never even showed up to help. The Myrm had jumped out long before and the Brutix seemed to have done so as well when he ran from our bomber. Either he jumped out or POSed up, I can't remember. For a few minutes we lost the Mach on scan, until he showed up on grid with our cloaky on the lowsec exit. And disappeared. No way. This guy has a cloak? On a Mach? I mean, sure it's wspace, but people really need to think things through. I guess he was supposed to be the miners' point defense, a surprise to scare off anyone. But we are the wolves here and stupid people make us happy and rich.

  Even better, he had jumped on grid 100km from the exit. The rest of us jumped into system and made our way to the hole, which was painfully slow in the Scorpion. Our Onyx bubbled up and we waited. If I remember correctly, our Curse gave a pro decloak, dropping right on top of the Mach after he bounced. We jumped into action and quickly had him locked down and pointed. I began my jams and unleashed the fury of my few cruise missiles. He had a monster tank, but it wasn't going to last long when our Curse got to work. The Onyx bubbled back up on the Mach and our bombers launched their volleys, everyone on their toes with adrenaline.

  Then his active shield tank broke. He slowly bled shields and we ate into his armor. It quickly melted under our fire and he became a multi-billion ISK wreck. Even though we had the bubble, a bomber pointed the pod and we waited until everyone had it locked. Longest 25 second lock of my life. We had started out thinking we might steal an Orca, but were ecstatic to have this shiny on our KB with a 2 billion drop bonus. This is why I love wormhole life :P

  It has been quite a busy week. Recording is coming up, I'm a bit nervous. I haven't gotten any feedback, so my segment is going to be based around corporation spotlights. In that vein, what kind of corporations do you want to hear about? What kind of information is important to you?


Friday, November 26, 2010

Podcast Content

  I wanted to make a quick post to get some feedback from you guys. We are currently hashing out particulars and putting our crafty minds together to kickstart New Eden Chronicles. We have alot of bases covered so far, but what would you like to hear?

  It is a communitcy centric format, so if you have anything that remotely relates I want to hear it. I'm racking my brain for a few that I could contribute, but I thought "hey! the more brains, the merrier" since I am only one pod-man.

  Leave a comment or Evemail me. Bring on the ideas!

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Learning Skill Removal!

  Yes you read that right. They have finally broken down and decided to remove learning skills altogether. It started with ceasing the NPC selling of the books. According to the Devblog, this change will be around December 14th, so quite soon. What exactly will this all mean? Here's some details:
    • We're not kidding. In your head, in your hangar or in your anything else, they're gone. Vamoosh. Deleted. Sent to the big recycle bin in the sky. Etc etc.
  • All skillpoints invested in learning skills will be reimbursed, including all the fiddly corner cases. If you have 2,012,692 SP in learning, you will find yourself down those skills, but with 2,012,692 skillpoints to redistribute.
  • All skillbooks not currently injected into people's heads will be reimbursed at the old NPC sell price. The money will go to whichever character or corporation owns the container that the skillbooks are in. For example, things in cans you've anchored for yourself will be reimbursed to you, things in corporate hangar arrays or the "deliveries" bin will be reimbursed to the owning corporation.
  • This will also involve cancelling any and all market orders containing these skills. Contracts containing learning skills will have those skillbooks substituted for copies of the Pax Amarria.
  • All new and existing characters will have an extra 12 base points (ie, non-remappable) in each attribute.
  • The 100% training speed bonus up to 1.6m SP will no longer be available. People partway through this bonus will lose the remaining bonus amount. They will of course gain a huge attribute bonus to make up for it.
  • Miscellaneous other cleanup tasks will be performed that are not very interesting, details available on request.
  So it seems this will be quite similar to the SP redistribution that we did for the extended downtime a while ago. If you are too new to remember that or have forgotten, here's how you can do it when it comes time. 

  It's a very long post with some tricky things to go along with it so I urge you to head over there. One thing of note for newer players is that they no longer have accelerated training speed after this change. But this is a big thing for everyone. It means starting characters have all 20s and Charisma has 19. Of course, this drives me nuts because my new Orca alt is trained only in learning skills and a few others, so that was all a major waste of my time. *sigh* oh well. This means I can get that much faster to a Falcon with the reimbursement. 

  For now I shall continue my training and worry about all this later. Back to Turkey Day!

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On Holiday

  For U.S. residents, tomorrow will be Thanksgiving. A day of being thankful by stuffing as much food down their throats as possible and passing out in a food coma while watching American football. I am on holiday from school until next week so I will be a bit busy catching up on lost time with my girl and my family.

  I may be able to log in, swap skills and talk to corpies, but I doubt I'll have much to write about. The new Incursion trailer looks pretty cool. It's cool to see a person in a vid. I need to get back to keeping up on news, but for now I get to relax.

  So on that note I'll say this much. I'm thankful for all you guys and the opportunities I have gotten in Eve and with this blog. Enjoy your week :)


Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Grand Theft Dreadnought

  The more I am in wspace, the more I love it. You just don't get stories like this in Empire. I logged on to update bookmarks and see what was going on in our hole. A fleet was forming up as I got onto comms to run Sleeper sites. It was a good time to blood my new Myrmidon, Angel's Fury. It's complete resist and buffer for Sleeper sites and since we had Logi support, I was happy to take it out. I have to say, being in a corp that lives in wspace sites are extremely fast. It's normal for them and they just breeze through all opposition. We had gone through 4 and part way through our fifth, one of our corpmates who had been out scanning started talking.

  He had followed a Heron to see if we could get a fight. Only he followed it to a POS that, despite the contrary 5 min earlier, had no shield. With hangers and arrays and ships littering the area. And a unpiloted Moros. It was the first dreadnaught I have seen in space before. So we popped the hangars and arrays and started getting everything out that we could pilot, which was everything. I dropped my Myrm back to our POS and podded my way back to pick up a Retriever. After leaving it back at base, I reshipped to my new Thrasher. Oh yea, btw I lost my first Thrasher and got podded yesterday. That was a hassel and 50j just to get back home. But back to the fun stuff.

  We scanned the ship, finding it to be fully fitted and had a siege module. So what do you do with something like that? We stole it, of course. Not only that, we turned around and bashed the offline tower to dust. A first for me and it certainly pads my killboard. The problem, however, was deciding what to do with the monster. We couldn't take it out, since the connections weren't able to handle a cap ship. We could self destruct for insurance or sell it or ransom it...but it ended up that we turned to the other POS in system. We had a dread, so we figured if it was Stronted we would leave it alone or smash it if it wasn't. Since my Thrasher would get alpha'd I went back to my Myrm to do some real POS bashing.

Funniest name for stolen property on Dscan.

Little POS go boom

  I have to say, POS modules give quite the padding. We wiped out the guns first, since we had alot of smaller ships and Logi's took care of the small DPS they were dishing out. It was easier than fighting Sleepers. A piloted Orca sat in the shields, afk I assume or too scared to do anything. After a solid ten minutes, a Retriever warped into the shields along with an Iteron III. POS bashing is boring when you're just sitting in BS's, but a Dread makes things more interesting.

 Local even didn't seem to mind as we hammered them:
[03:22:51] Kelbash > this is awsome, too bad i am the target...oh well
[03:24:20] Darth Stewie > yall accepting applications??

We worked on the tower for a while, but wanted to get out soon because our connections were weak and end of life. The corp had also done bashing just before I joined and was tired of it as it was. The Moros made life easier, but still. The carebears acted extremely new and noobish, so we tried a bluff. We gave them options of leaving with their pods and give us what they have and a few others. I offered the idea of giving us the Orca, which would let us take the Moros fittings and a free Orca. Unfortunately, the Orca pilot had logged off after feeding us a line. His corpmate's stupidity soon revealed itself:

[04:19:58] My corpmate > *hem* interesting
[04:20:16] My corpmate> You said you didn't have the access to take the tower down
[04:20:36] My corpmatet > Except for the fact you just onlined an array
[04:20:45] My corpmate> Ergo, you have the roles to take the tower down
[04:21:12] Darth Stewie > true so why make it easy on you
[04:21:30] Darth Stewie > make u use your ammo and waste your time
[04:21:43] Darth Stewie > pop the pos i dont give a shit
[04:22:34] Darth Stewie > see i havent played this game long but im not that dumb
[04:22:51] Darth Stewie > i know as soon as the shields went down yall would pop me
[04:22:58] My corpmate > Paranoid lot
[04:23:11] Darth Stewie > nope just a fact
[04:23:14] My corpmate > Fair enough, I can understand the paranoia, given that you've not seen us before
[04:23:28]My corpmate > And, while I can assure you we won't shoot you
[04:23:34] My corpmate > You won't believe me
[04:23:36] Darth Stewie > so why fuck with this pos when we didnt fuck with yall
[04:24:48] My corpmate > Well, one of your alliance members did give us a dread
[04:25:12] Darth Stewie > well he left that dread here because get it out of the hole
[04:25:18] Darth Stewie > just like yall cant
[04:25:36] Darth Stewie > he couldnt
[04:26:01] My corpmate > Well, yes, it can't leave, so we had to take it to the nearest tower
[04:27:07]My corpmate > But I imagine you're aware of that
[04:27:26] Darth Stewie > yea we see it
[04:28:10] Darth Stewie > but soon yall will be out of ammo or the hole will close
[04:28:29] Darth Stewie > then yall will be stuck here with no ammo just drone
[04:28:32] Darth Stewie > drones*
[04:28:41] My corpmate > Lasers don't remember out of ammo, and probes are reusable
[04:29:01] My corpmate > That is, run, and really, you wouldn't be the first tower
[04:29:05] Darth Stewie > lasers have crystals and they burn out
[04:29:34] Darth Stewie > oh u talking the other tower in here?
[04:29:58] Darth Stewie > the one u took out that really didnt have anything there worth anything but the moros
[04:30:07] Darth Stewie > he one that was offline

  Apparently lasers run out of ammo and saying the other POS had nothing worthwhile in it besides the saying "the bank had nothing but money in it" as someone commented on comms.

  So TL;DR is we stole a Moros, bashed the POS that housed it and proceeded to bash the neighboring POS for kicks and sent it into reinforced before going home.

  One thing I do know now is that I want to try flying a Stealth Bomber. I have the skills already since I fly Cov Ops and Torp training is a matter of a day or two, less when I remap. I hear the Manticore isn't the best, but it'll be what I have to work with. A new type of role to learn and more fun to be had.
Now for more pretty pictures.

Gotta be one of the coolest sounds from a gun in the game

First POS again

Biggest pewpew I've ever seen


...After we self destructed it.


PS-sorry for disjointed phrasings. It was around 3 or 4 am when I wrote this. 

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Settling Into My New Home

  Well, just as the title states, I am finally settled into the home system of my new corp. And I am quite happy. Already I am learning in two days more than I have learned in the last 3 weeks. This morning is when I finally got things straightened out. Yesterday, I did a little scanning to help out and got used to working with BMs.

  The "rabbit hole" as they call it has gone quite deep and there are alot of connections since I joined and it can get really confusing what leads to what. I am quickly getting the hang of it though. I am sick right now, feeling like utter crap, and I ended up waking up at 2 am today. I couldn't get back to sleep so I decided to do something useful. I jumped out, one of the connections thankfully was 1 jump away from where I left my assets. So I just spent a couple hours hauling in a couple ships and getting accustomed to ship maintenance arrays, corp hangars, and general routine to living in wspace. At the advice of one of my new corpmates, I picked up a Thrasher instead of bringing my Rifter. I don't know why, but this is the first time I've ever been in one. So now I have a Thrasher, fit out to instalock and alpha Covert Ops. Can't wait to try it out.

  I'm loving it. I can't wait to get on a reasonable time when the majority of my corpmates are on so I can really get to know them.  Hopefully soon I can even get in on some Pvp action, something they are exceptional at in my opinion. If you haven't already, I strongly urge you to head over to Youtube and watch Asayanami's videos. He does awesome editing and the action is great. There is quite a bit I have to learn and I am certainly ready to do so. I wish I had focused on core skills more, since now I have to take time to round them out. I want to be useful, which from what I hear requires an aHAC. But I'm set dead on my Falcon so they will have to wait ;P

  I did, however, have my first Pvp experience in ADHC this morning. Our transit connectin got busy with a Drake, Mammoth and a Helios. Our scout had eyes on and we waited. I was in kspace so I fitted my new Thrasher quickly and got ready to jump in. The Mammoth, after sitting on their array for a while, finally aligned and warped to the customs office of a nearby planet. Our scout called point and I jumped in, hoping to get onto the KM. The only other corpie in our fleet was the stealth bomber pilot. I was almost there when it popped, the SB apologizing. He did get the pod and waited, giving me the honors of my first kill of being an ADHC pilot. I was pretty excited. But the other pilots didn't seem to care, not reacting to use killing their friend. We kept eyes on, the Helios being the only things we couldn't pin down. With 15 min to down time, I podded my way back to kspace to quickly grab my last hauling trip. And later when I logged back in, I kinda helped when we found an Onyx and his Badger buddy with its pod. ;) I'm lovin' it.

  So here's to new adventures and new lessons. All apart of reaching Progression's Horizon. (see what I did there xD)


Saturday, November 20, 2010

New Page!

  Ok, so this news may be less exciting for you if you follow me through RSS feeds. But that is ok, feel free to write this on your arm or shave it into your friend's head to remember. I have a new page! Woo. Since I am now accumulating Eve related art work, I decided to consolidate it for ease and convenience. So, if you come to my page with a browser you will look in the left hand column and see it as the third page option. Pretty nifty, eh? For those of you too lazy to get on for it, I'll just link it.  Happy? :P

  In other news, I am no longer a Unista. I was accepted into Adhocracy Inc. and got myself all set up. It surprised me since I logged on just to haul and in the course of conversation had my mail tell me "Welcome!". Pretty awesome. I got all the relevant gear finally packed into one station and I'm ready to move it into the wormhole when we get a good connection. I have jumped through, quite literally, over 80 stargates in the last couple hours....I shouldn't be awake. Oh well, I am happy. I am now logged off in a safe spot in our home wormhole system. It's rather beautiful, I'll have to dotlan it later to see what all is going on.

  The people are great and gave a warm welcome. Only a few were on so late, so I look forward to logging  in next. An interesting note, this is also the corp that Maeve Trinity, my fellow host, calls home. Time to party.

 Mech is plugging along nicely, not much more than the basics. Anyways, I need sleep. I get far too little as of late.

  Fly erratically

Thursday, November 18, 2010


  No, I'm not quitting Eve or posting or anything. Although Minecraft is officially evil the way it sucks your life away and you don't even realize. Pretty proud of what I have done, but this isn't about that. :P

  Yesterday, I dropped my roles in the Uni as the first step in taking my leave. Today I filled out the app for Adhocracy Inc. and should know in the next day or two how it goes. I hope they like reading, I had a wall of text. I'll have an interview probably tomorrow, the whole corp will see my app and vote on whether they want me or not, and then I'll be an Ex-Unista. Of course, as I've said before, I'll always be a Unista.

  My scanning skills are finally out of the way with Astrometrics to IV and the others to III. It makes scanning in my Buzzard that much better. I stuck Covert Ops IV in so that'll fill the next 4 days up nicely. After that, it's back to rounding out my skill tree and a remap in the next month or two. I can't wait because that will mean I am that much closer to having another shiny and that much better of a pilot.

  As for Mech, he's chugging along. He's wiping out learning skills like a beast and I ended up buying a couple +3 implants for him since he only needs Cybernetics I and it makes my life easier. I'll get him the others with LP from Memoo when he needs them. I already blew 40 mil on skill books for Mech, so the cheaper route is better. Although I'm hardly worried about money I do need to be careful with it.

  I have been trying to plan things out with the accounts lately. If I sub Mech up to full for two months, I'm out 20 real USD. That will mean I need to plex Memoo because I am poor in USD and rich in ISK. Plexing is getting all the more expensive so I need to do it soon and my sub will end sometime in the next couple weeks. After Mech's training is done, I will have to buy him the Orca hull, which by itself is another 350 mil if I remember correctly. Although from the stories I hear come out of Adhoc, I may just wait til they "liberate" one.  Then I can name it Free Willy. Lawl.

  Once I hear about my app, I'll be posting in the Uni's Hi/Bye forum thread and on my way. I should probably keep moving and consolidating my assets....but the blocky joy that is Minecraft calls to me. And that pesky Psych test tomorrow..*sigh*

  Fly vicariously,

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Bits and Pieces

  So lately I have had another slowish period. I have spent it mainly working on skills, tweaking fits, picking up a new Myrm, and moving assets around. I did a spring cleaning to free up some space and get organized, donating everything I didn't want to the Uni hangars. Sorry about that Turhan, there was quite a bit.
  Lately, in line with my switch my training plan, I have begun to debate an alt account. Now, this may be a bit more of an undertaking if I didn't already have one. A while back, Steam had a deal and I ended up activating my gf's account and my own alt account for $4. It was awesome. I had intended to use him as my piratey sekrit and probably still will. But he fell into nonuse after the sub lapsed since I am, after all, a poor college kid paying for a ring. I checked my email tonight to my surprise. There was a 5 day pass due to Incursions and $20 to reactivate for 60 days. Quite a deal that I am willing to go after because of my needs. I am now training my first industrial alt. With a revitalized account, even only a few days, I have kickstarted my alt and in around 40 days he will be able to use an Orca. I wanted this to be something Mem could do and still will eventually. But this was too good to pass up.

  I may pay to have him transferred to my main account because, while I may be able to start plexing one account sporadically in the near future, I won't rely on it. So I'd like to have my abilities in one basket. I'm pretty excited because I am starting to need an Orca more and more now that I am moving assets, especially rigged ones. I started as an industrialist so it works perfectly for when I need to haul or mine. This is much faster and a bit more fun to do with a new character. I may even keep Mech in character when I log him on.

  I was also busy with another class edit for wormholes. Check it out if you want to learn about ganking in wormholes, it's under the new arrivals. I am also waiting to see if my design for a banner was chosen, which I'll update of course. As for now, I will be busy finishing scanning skill with Mem and working with Mech. A familiar name if you read my fic ;)

  The last of everything is not even in Eve. Shocker indeed. Minecraft has been something people have talked about quite a bit in the Uni and I never saw the draw. I spent some time watching videos lately, though, and made the leap. I haven't gone to sleep yet.....not good. lol

  So, things are moving along nicely and I'm excited for it all. How has your week been going?


Tuesday, November 16, 2010

CSM Item List

  Recently, the CSM put out a list of 203 items of interest that have needed attention by CCP. But they need the player base to root out which are the most important issues. I have read over the ones that I have interest in as well as some that I don't necessarily. Some are good, some I wonder how they got on the list in the first place, and some I don't see that should probably be there instead of others.

  If you head over to the list, it gives the list and a breakdown on each point. After you go through them and decide what you would like to see changed the most, you can head over to their thread and give your input. It is good for as many people to do this as possible because it gives more voice from more players, which makes sure what is looked at is actually what most people want, rather than just a vocal minority.

 One I found interesting, but one I don't think should really get too much focus was 156. I can see the reasoning, but I don't see even RPers taking up a rig slot just for added immersion. And from what I heard from my brother when he used to play STO, it smacks a bit of that mechanic. It could be interesting, but I don't see the need. Other items like fixing drone logic, aggression timer fixes, UI fixes, and others are a bit more worthwhile in my opinion. That's just me.

  So what are you hoping gets worked on in the hopefully near future? I also have a question. After saying near future, some people may have put ™ which is something I have noticed happens alot in Eve conversations.....why is the trademark symbol used? What does it mean in those kind of contexts? There's things like that I don't understand, so perhaps it's a cultural thing or a game thing I missed.

  Anyways, I look forward to the CSM keeping CCP in shape for developments.

Sunday, November 14, 2010


   Title comes from the motto a fellow pilot likes to use all the time while we are clearing sites. And it's what has happened. I have been really busy this weekend, between school work and doing two C5 wormhole operations.

  Friday night was the first one, an interesting and very long op. We found a very nice wormhole, but had to protect it first. As we sat on the exit, a viator jumped in and a cloaky was on Dscan. Both were part of the Russians and we think they were doing a bit of logistics. We found a connection to another C5 and one to null. The first we all jumped in and back, sending it into an angry critical state. We did it the lazy way and rounded numbers and kinda guessed, but it meant we were essentially safe from any decent fleet. Since we were in RRBS fits and had 2 Scorps, I didn't think we had much to worry about. The nullsec exit is what makes us think the Russians were just doing logistics, but it was also cap capable. That is never something you want while busy running sites. We had done a site before finding this exit, so while I guarded the salvager with a couple others, the fleet went to send that exit into critical as well. There were alot of sites, so I was up til around 4 am when we were finished. It made the most money in one op that I've ever gotten, which is always awesome.

  The other C5 op was from tonight. I originally wasn't sure if I'd go since I have work to do. Still do actually :P Anyways, it took a good 2 hours just to get things together and moving. I was at a friend's place so by the time I had to move locations for wi fi, we were in a C3 warming up. Some of the pilots were new and it showed. I moved and when I got back they had moved to the connecting C5. As I caught up, we started in on the sites. The first site showed that some people need to learn to control their drones. The triggers were falling fast, not a good thing when they are frigates and you are still fighting Sleeper battleships. I am quite comfortable in my Scorpion, even in upper class wormholes. At least when I have RR or Logi support. The fleet ran with a couple of guardians, an oneiros, 2 scorps, and the rest were all battlecruisers. Oh yea, it made for some fun but we didn't lose anyone. One of the funny parts was when we had our salvager analyzing some cans. A spawn comes up after you open one of them, a random one, and we didn't want her getting popped with our loot. Our solution? Invincidrake!

  I added my 5 medium rep drones to the mix, as the logis had a mass of light armors on her along with their large RR. We sure as heck weren't lettin' her die short of a titan. It was amusing, but needless since she was able to warp out when the spawns came. Things went quite well and as quick as any BS fleet thankfully. There was quite a bit of "Intact" loot to find, items that can run up to 66 million a pop. 

It may be hard to see, but the logis made a cool prism with cap transfers. I'm the Scorp in the middle.

  We polished off quite a few sites and I ended up jumping out as the last site was being salvaged, presumably so I could write my psych paper....but I wrote this first.  I logged off while still far from home, but I'll make it back later. I don't have plans for anything and my training up of Covert Ops skills is nearly done. By the end of the week, I will have dropped roles and hopefully on my way to a new home. It'll be nice to stop living out of my hauler like it's a suitcase.  

  I also mentioned my confliction when Viper gave me my Falcon. I am sorely tempted to go for the Recon first, grab a Cerberus HAC on the way, and be that much closer to a Tengu. But then I think about the Ishtar and its aHAC yumminess. We shall see when it comes up to it. For now I am dedicating my time to rounding out skills with Int/Mem so that I can remap and optimize for the next year. Enough of me babbling, though. I'll leave you with another picture or two.
